Virtual Clinical Trials Navigation to Improve Outcomes for Princess Margaret and Stronach Regional Cancer Centre Advanced Solid Tumor Patients (VIRTUOSO 2.0)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Shaqil Kassam, Southlake Regional Health Centre, and Dr. Lindsay Carlsson, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

From left to right: VIRTUOSO 2.0 – Dr. Shaqil Kassam (SL), Dr. Lindsay Carlsson (PM); The PM Cancer Education Hub – Dr. Breanna McGilvray (SL), Sarah Ramage Lee (SL), Dr. Janet Papadakos (PM), Tina Papadakos (PM)
There are three objectives: (1) to create a virtual clinical trials pipeline between PM and Stronach Regional Cancer Centre (SRCC) involving a referral pathway that introduces advanced cancer patients to clinical trials and genomic profiling early in their treatment trajectory; (2) to launch a digital platform for community oncologists and their patients to access personalized support and self-screen for PM and SRCC trials; and (3) to develop a collaborative care model aimed at addressing the complex needs of trial patients. This innovative project will improve the awareness of community oncologists and their patients of trial opportunities at PM and SRCC, enhance patient access to genomic profiling to guide future treatment decisions, and provide a model to improve collaboration and clinical trial operational efficiency across Ontario cancer centres.
Improving Access to Patient Self-Management and Education Resources through the PM Cancer Care Network Education & Learning Hub
Principal Investigators: Dr. Janet Papadakos & Tina Papadakos, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre; Breanna McGilvray & Sarah Ramage Lee, Southlake Regional Health Centre
This project aims to expand the reach of PM’s Cancer Education infrastructure to increase access to resources at Southlake and future PM Cancer Care Network (CCN) partners. Patient access to cancer information and self-management supports are a priority in Ontario. Self-management engages patients to actively participate in their care and is facilitated through education. The development of a PMCCN and Southlake online infrastructure enables sharing of PM educational assets tailored to Southlake patients’ needs. This will support improved access, self-management, and significant cost savings to partner organizations. A Content Management System will be developed to inventory PM educational assets and coordinate information sharing. A webpage will be developed to access materials, monitor traffic, and evaluate usage. The PM Cancer Campus online learning hub will facilitate Southlake HCPs access to courses that support patient and family engagement in self-management. An evaluation will be developed to assess patient, family, and HCP feedback.